Tag: Planning

Five Reasons Startups Fail

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We want you guys to be successful as you start your big booming family business. So, this episode we discuss five reasons why startups fail. If you have a reason we didn’t bring up make sure you drop it in the comments.

Your Vision Matters

If you were to ask me what is the biggest thing that makes an impact in a family business that can take your business from a family hobby to a respected family business is a “Clear Vision.”

Prenuptial Agreements, What’s The Point

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We are continuing where we left off last week, yes, we are talking prenuptial agreements (pre-numps)! Should you get one or should you not? Grab your I AM T-Shirts and Sweatshirts Partner with TeamBz

Planning for 2017

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Success comes from planning, so today we want to help you with a couple tips to help you and your family plan.  We hope this episode helps.  Leave us your comments below about your thoughts on this episode, we look forward to reading them. Music by Rich Barber of DynamikWorks

Scheduling for Success

When you have goals you want to achieve, success starts in your planning and scheduling.