Building ramps with The Texas Ramp Project for the disabled and elderly who can't afford one.
Organizing a thrift store where all proceeds provide homes for homeless families.
Working on bikes to provide reliable transportation with the Boise Bicycle Project.
Providing meals with the Northeast Iowa Food Bank for families going through hardships.
Cleaning up and doing lawn care for HER Resiliency Center; a safe place for women.
#TeamBz is a family of five, who sold all their belongings and packed up their suitcases to live life abroad. As they travel the world they wanted to keep their family, friends and everyone who wanted to tune in abreast the ins and outs of their lives abroad -- all documented on their YouTube channel. There is also a podcast on iTunes and Google Play titled, Another One, where they talk about any and everything that is on their minds or current in the world. Their mission is to show others that it is possible to 'live life without borders.' You know the borders we set for ourselves or the ones that we allow others to place around us that minimize growth and living life full -- well, it is possible to live beyond those! #TeamBz wants others to know you can travel and explore the world while making memories and learning other cultures.
RichBz the man, the myth, the legend.
Total healing comes from love.
Creatives are the light of the world.
Organization is everything.
Business doesn't stop.
One for all and all for the Team