Today, I sat down at work and realized – this will be the last Monday I walk through that door, sit at this desk and log in to work.
The last Monday I will hear about a case of the ‘Mondays” and how the weekend wasn’t long enough.
Today, marks the ending of so many things, yet the beginning of so much more.
On August 8th my family and I will be spreading our wings and flying off to live abroad. A few years ago we had a family meeting and we all agreed that living abroad was something we wanted to do. After much exploration, lots of research, a few closed doors, countless prayers, numerous conversations and loads of planning (as best we can) we are off!
I will not pretend that the journey, thus far, has not been without a few bumps but with EVERY bump we have protected and made it over. At every turn our GREAT I AM has proven to be faithful, loving and true. There are so many ‘blessons’ I have gained in the last 3 months that at times it blows my mind. We have not only seen the direct faithfulness of I AM but we have seen the beauty of LOVE through those close to us. The support has been AWE-mazing.
I welcome you to join me. To join us on this journey. As we are taking a leap of faith and living life without borders (ref: logo ? ). Subscribe to our podcast Another One, as we will discuss this endeavor.
My question to you is ——->>> What is it that you have wanted to do for so long and have not?
Another question ————->>>>> What is your heart’s desire that would require a leap of faith?
Your leap may not entail condensing your life to a book bag and carryon suitcase in order to live in other countries BUT what is it that makes your heart beat faster when you think about it? What gives you butterflies when you think – HOW CAN I DO THAT?!? What ever THAT is – DO IT! Life is waiting on you to make a move, to take a step, to VALOR up and LEAP! Leap and feel the thrill of trusting Abba beyond what you can see… and then share it with me. Let me know what you are leaping for and let’s leap together. Comment below.
Let’s live life full.
I am off the do some more packing and cleaning because Central America awaits…
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