Who determines what a successful life journey is? Better yet, how do we measure a successful healthstyle? I know, I know, here I go with my questions (lol) in the opening sentence but if you don’t ask you leave room for misunderstanding and assumptions, right? And we don’t need assumptions and misunderstandings in 2017.
For the sake of individuality, let us establish at the onset, that each person determines the success of their own journey and for this article, success will simply be abstaining from animal products. That’s fair, right?
So how can one successfully abstain from animal products?
- READ!! Yes, reading is fundamental and essential to ANY success.
- Often times animal products are ‘slipped’ in to items
- and we are clueless. An example of this would be soap. Many people do not realize that there are numerous soaps made with animal fat. The main components in rendered animal fats are oleic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, linoleic and myristic acid. In other words, if you see any of these terms in an ingredients list, you may be looking at a substance sourced from animal tallow (or another animal-based source), and would be wise to contact the company to find out the ingredient’s origin.
- Glycerides (mono/di/and tri) tend to be derived from animal fats, and are used frequently by the food industry.
- Read the list of ingredients but also research the ingredients in order to find out its origin.
- Ask questions. E-mail, tweet, and / or call manufacturers if you have questions about a product. Remember it is your body and your ‘success’ that is on the line. Do not be afraid to be informed. (Remember, I was calling restaurants to find out about egg wash on bagels! Check it out here.)
- Join groups / clubs. Surround yourself with like-minded people. This way you can share and obtain information. Success is not attained in isolation; therefore, do not quarantine yourself – get involved (that is a krb-original)!! Make friends in-person and on social media. There are lots of groups on Facebook, as well as accounts you can follow on Instagram and Twitter.
This journey is not one you have to go alone and success is yours with everyday you complete the goals you set for yourself. So take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey, it was made for you. Do any of these options resonate with you? Share in the comments below.
Remember —>> start simple and do not overwhelm yourself and be happy for each step you take that leads you closer to the fullness of who you are.
love. light. and liberty.
(For more animal derived ingredients, check the Peta website.)
The information shared in this article is for educational purposes. It is not to diagnose or treat any illness. As the reader please do your own research (reference the links included), in order to make informed decisions about YOUR health and wellness.