it was recently my dad’s birthday and he wanted to go skating so…. we went skating. and it was so much fun. i love skating and if you didn’t know, i also went skating for my sixteenth birthday last month and i had so much fun with my friends.

i know this was for my dad’s birthday but i think it is very important to spend time with your family. i know that as teenagers many of us don’t want to even talk to our family members just hang out with friends and stuff but, it is so fun to hang out with family if you just give it a go. just try to find out what y’all like to do together and do that all the time and learn about each other. when you want to be bothered and when you don’t. when you want to be alone and when you want to spend time together but, that also comes with understanding each other which involves communication. so i think that us kids will all be so much better growing into adults if we spend time with our family. have fun and don’t think so much ?