What’s up, y’all? How’s your day going? Good I hope mine has been… substantial, consisting of the basic things I do everyday, you know. Waking up, brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, going to school and finally making a blog post. I think one of the best parts of my day today was when I walking around school and so many people told me they liked my outfit, just kidding (not really). I wore this spring-like outfit with lots of blue and a floral skirt. So you may be wondering the outfit you are describing doesn’t go with the title of this post or the featured picture so what is happening here? Well I’ll tell you. I simply wanted you guys to know what I was wearing today (I may be able to get you guys a post about it, maybe…).
Today’s post is not about MY outfit, this post will be much like yesterdays post (and if you missed that post you can catch it down below after you finish reading this one). Today’s post is about yet another girls’ outfit from my school. It seemed like you guys really liked yesterdays post so I decided to try it again.
The model’s name today is Skyzha and she is wearing all jean. Now you may be wondering (why are you guys always wondering so much?) why is she on you blog when she doesn’t have on any of your minimalist colors. I’m glad you asked because I get questions like this all the time about things I wear when they are not white, black, gold, or grey or silver. The key to the minimalist style is not the colors but the way they look. Minimal jewelry, minimal colors (but they are not limited to the ones I listed above) etc. Skyzha fits the bill today because she is wearing one color: jean. That is not to say that if you wear all bright neon orange you are minimalist, you should be wearing muted basic colors. I hope this definition makes even the slightest bit of sense to you all.
So I know you did not come here to read about minimalist guidelines (I can make a post about that for you though), so I’ll go ahead and jump into the outfit.
Her outfit is really simple to explain, she is wearing a light wash button down jean shirt with rolled sleeves that she wisely paired with these stupendous pants. If you guys don’t know this about me I LOVE LOVE LOVE jeans with holes. I think they are the cutest things that were ever invented. Personally, I don’t particularly like some manufactured holes so all of the jeans with holes I have, I made myself. Back to Skyzha, she is wearing these light blue jeans with different size holes across the front. On her feet she is wearing some black Birkenstocks and, for jewelry she is wearing these triangle gold earrings and some wide framed glasses.
Without further ado, Skyzha’s JEAN ON JEAN.