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O MY CHRIS BOSH. I have discovered an amazing food and I am absolutely positive you will love it as much as I do, maybe even more. Who knows? So like a bunch of months ago I was watching this YouTuber who claimed that Boom Chicka Pop was amazing and she loves every flavor and it is the best thing to ever grace this planet. Of course with all the hype you know I had to try it. So about a few weeks later I bought some Boom Chicka Pop at Whole Foods (Whole Foods is like the best store ever btw) and literally I ate half the bag in the store right there. This stuff is worth all of the hype it gets because honestly I could eat this stuff forever. The only negative thing I would say about it is that it costs like $3.00 and I eat it all in approximately .25 seconds. Afterwards I will feel so guilty for eating so much popcorn in such a short amount of time but, then I’m like…. nah that was worth every buck.

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Not only that but, why should I even feel guilty when this stuff is like #sogoodforme. I don’t know if you guys know but I’m kind of health conscious or should I say that my FAMILY is VERY health conscious and we are vegans and we  don’t eat things containing GMOs, high fructose corn syrup, color dyes, gluten, and many more things. GUESS WHAT? BOOM CHICKA POP DOESN’T CONTAIN ANY OF THAT! It’s just that ah-mazing.

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So when my mom heard that she wasn’t immediately drawn to it but, after trying it the whole family is hooked and its basically like now I don’t have to use my own money to get some Boom Chicka Pop. Plus Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn is not their only flavor. The only other flavor that I have tried is Salted Caramel and it is also delicious. These are all of the flavors that Boom Chicka Pop has: 

They also have one spicy flavor which I haven’t tried but, from the tastes of the other flavors I am pretty positive that one is good, too. And just an added bonus their packaging is so cute. Like look at that:

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My food is telling me when to indulge, is that not the most amazing thing you have ever seen ever anywhere. Honestly, it’s the simple things that make you want to come back. Which I will definitely be doing btw. Just in case you were wondering they do also have other products like Boom Chicka Puffs which closely resembles cheese puffs but, probably much better. They also have Boom Chicka Bites which are like mini little popcorn pieces in an even cuter smaller bag. I’m just going to end the post now or I will faint from amazing-ness and Boom Chicka Pop deprivation.

