Lemme just start by saying typing that you may get slightly confused while reading this but, just try to bear with me here because I want to make this as lucid as possible (shout out to my English teacher for teaching me new words, I’m actually learning!).
So many people as me about my style and my lifestyle and what it’s all about. This may be because they are curious or they like the way I look and live and may want to be like me. Honestly I don’t know but, I do know that with such a large amount of people asking me questions about it that there has to be many of people who want to know. So for these next few weeks I will be doing a segment about MY MINIMALIST LIFE.
I suppose it would only be right for me to begin with the fashion aspect of my life since that is what most people ask me about. Instead of telling you what minimalist style is I will tell you what it’s not. This way you will know what not to wear if you ever feel like being minimalist. You DO NOT wear bright or neon colors. When I say this I am not implying you cannot wear bright colors at all but I definitely do not recommend wearing many bright colors at one time. It makes you look the… rainbow, now if that is the looking you are going for than by all means don’t let me stop you.
As an alternative to these bright and neon colors if you are just dying to wear color the option is always open to wear dark muted pastel colors such as maroon or beige and pastel colors. When you do wear colors make sure they don’t take over your whole outfit always wear one of these colors as a pair: black, white, grey or gold. Don’t forget black is always the best color to go to.
Take this outfit for instance black is the main focus but, she still incorporate color by adding the simple pink pumps.
Please don’t think that black is an easy color to pull off. Much like the picture when your whole outfit is black there are steps you have to take to make sure you don’t look goth or scary wearing so much black. I will let you in on a very simple secret they key to wearing black outfits. Wear different black colored fabrics. Do not mistake what I am saying for different color black because that is certainly not what I mean. Let me elaborate, you could wear a silky black shirt, black jeans, a leather jacket and suede sneakers. This way there are different textures giving more dimension to your outfit. Also this way if the blacks are different colors it isn’t a big deal because the different textures of each piece change what the black would look like anyway.
Prints are okay in the minimalist style but, always beware of too much print. This woman is doing it perfectly simple outfit with a pop of amazing. There is also another key that you guys should know about. Your outfits will always be better with a third piece. By this I mean that your outfit is your top and bottoms this is not including shoes. Always add something else in your outfit, it gives the appearance that you put way more thought into your outfit than you actually did. And like the different textures of black it adds more dimension to your outfit more to look at and marvel over.
Take this outfit for example her first and second pieces in this outfit are her blouse and jeans. The dimensional piece is her sweater. Without the sweater this outfit would still be minimalist and still be cute but, it would require maybe a jewelry third piece to make up for the gained space in the outfit.
The base of your outfit does not always have to be black and this woman showcases her gray and camel duster proving that black is not the only way to be minimalist.
For the next few weeks I will show you how to change your whole life to the MINIMALIST LIFE.
all of the pictures showcased today came from pins on my Pinterest if you want to see more visit: